A. Scriabin "Sonata-Fantasy" in G sharp minor, op. 19

I. Andante
II. Presto

升g小調第二鋼琴奏鳴曲“幻想奏鳴曲”Sonata Fantasy Op.19
1892年,二十歲的斯克裡亞賓到拉特維亞(Latvia)游玩,波羅地海的景色給他留下深刻的印像,他也因此興起了寫作以“海”為背景的作品。1893 年他到了牙塔(Yalta)時著迷於黑海,在月光下的閃爍、平靜,就更加深了他創作海為主題的決心。1895年他到了熱那亞(Genoa)感受了地中海的 壯麗、燦爛之後,他終於開始著手將多年來引發創作的動機逐步整理和寫作而創作了《升g小調第二鋼琴奏鳴曲“幻想奏鳴曲”》Piano Sonata No.2 in g-Sharp Minor "Sonata Fantasy" Op.19 。作品於1897年完成,他還給作品加上了“幻想奏鳴曲”的標題。根據作者自己的說法,這首奏鳴曲寫的是海洋:第一樂章所表達的形像是“南方的靜夜”, “蒼茫的、滾滾的大海”,“溫柔的月色”;結尾的急板是“洶湧澎湃的、一望無際的海洋”。這是一部浪漫而又變幻莫測的作品,充分體現了斯克裡亞賓當時的美 學觀念。

第一樂章,行板,升g小調,3/4拍,奏鳴曲式。呈示部第一主題體現出幻想意味,這個主題以B大調變形,甜美的第二主題也是B大調,與第一主題對比,在充 分發揮鋼琴技巧後結束呈示部。發展部轉C大調,右手第二主題,左手第一主題,轉g小調後為第一主題發展。再現部以E大調再現第一主題,第二主題的再現充分 體現鋼琴技巧,最後在第一主題變形中構成沉思的終結。作品中有細致的、如水晶般的段落,和聲風格統一,但已經流露出一絲飄忽不定的感覺。

第二樂章,急板,3/2拍,自由的奏鳴曲式。這個樂章有如火一般的激情、像大海的膨湃,與前一個樂章形成強烈的反差。第一主題有快速的經過句風格,經各種 轉調反復後移至第二主題,降E小調。從降b小調而進入發展部,第二主題經C大調、降b小調、升c小調、E大調、升g小調變化而進入再現部。再現部以第一主 題始,第二主題以升g小調發展至高潮。結束於升g小調和弦。


Scriabin's Piano Sonata No. 2 in G-sharp minor, (Op. 19, also titled Sonata-Fantasy) took five years for him to write. It was finally published in 1897, at the urging of his publisher. The piece is in two movements, with a style combining Chopin-like Romanticism with an impressionistic touch. This piece is widely appreciated and although obscure, it is one of Scriabin's more popular pieces.

The first movement Andante begins with echoing effects, followed by two lyrically themed sections. After a short climax, the piece modulates to E major (also C-sharp minor) and lyrical sections are restated with a slightly more complicated accompaniment. The second movement Presto, in sharp contrast to the first movement, is very fast and intense. In fact, at the given tempo indication, the second movement averages nearly 15 notes per second, making it comparable to an étude. Alternating crescendos and decrescendos may give the listener the impression of waves.

The precedent of Beethoven's 'Moonlight' Sonata allowed Scriabin the luxury of an opening slow movement to his Second Sonata, whose programme reads thus: "The first section represents the quiet of a southern night on the seashore; the development is the dark agitation of the deep, deep sea. The E major middle section shows caressing moonlight coming up after the first darkness of night. The second movement represents the vast expanse of ocean in stormy agitation."

Like Scriabin's other sonatas, it is both technically and musically highly demanding for the pianist and is written for large hands (in fact, there is an enormous reach of a twelfth, although many pianists will agree that this implies an unnotated arpeggio). The piece lasts about 11 minutes.


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